Monday, June 14, 2010

Presenting ... Romeo!

Oh, man it's been a long time since I've posted. Lots to catch up on.

Back in February we adopted Romeo from Austin Boxer Rescue. I've been meaning to post a photo of him for a while, but the truth is he' s not that photogenic. Every time I take his picture he winds up looking like some ferocious snaggletooth, and he's really such a lover. He's got these soft mushy jowls and a HUGE tongue and loves to give kisses. He keeps me company while I write.

My daughter Korina and I just returned from NYC. We saw Billy Elliot and In the Heights - two amazing shows. We also spent a lot of time in the East Village, shopping on St. Mark's and walking the streets of Alphabet City. I had lunch with my lovely editor, which is always a treat. But I forgot to take my camera! Which is why I don't have any photos. Oh, well, next time.

I recently had the pleasure of taking part in a reader's theatre in College Station with Kathi Appelt, Jenny Moss, Varian Johnson, and Janet Fox. What a fantastic time! Here's a photo.

Kathi's husband, Ken, took a little footage from the show. Take a peek.

After the show, Kathi fed us some amazing guacamole and other goodies, and while we were eating and drinking wine, she opened her flip-cam and did a few spur-of-the-moment interviews. Take another peek.

On the book front, I'm busy working away on my WIP. (Not giving away any details yet.) Also, I was so pleased to find a nice review of The Less-Dead in ALA's GLBT Round Table Newsletter.

Here's lover boy again...