Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wild Things

These are the three guys who have been keeping me company this week while I've languished in bed with the flu. They've been my inspiration to keep writing (even though I feel like crap) but now it's time to take a major break and enjoy the holidays.

My son, Dan, is coming home from college today with his lovely girlfriend, Mami (pronounced mommy, which, as you can imagine, makes things a little confusing), and pretty soon my parents will arrive from NY! I haven't bought one gift yet, nor do I have a tree, but I have faith that I can pull it together.

Great news! My dear friend, Varian Johnson, has a new book out! MY LIFE AS A RHOMBUS just hit the shelves. The novel is hip, tender and funny with a great cast of characters, and the most amazing thing is Varian's ability to capture a teenage girl's voice. It's pitch perfect. It's a great book. Congratulations Varian!