A Tease
A cold front blew in today, a tease really since it'll be going back up to 97 by the end of the week, but hey, I'll take what I can get. I went for a long, glorious walk, had a cup of coffee, and finally read some good news in the paper - Polygamist Warren Jeffs is finally off the streets! A nice way to start the day.
Yesterday I sent off 100 pages of my new YA, The Latent Powers of Dylan Fontaine, to my agent, and now I'm waiting to see what she thinks. Publishing basically shuts down in August, so it may be a while. In the meantime I am going to work on some new scenes, and eventually write a detailed synopsis of the story, even though I don't really know where it's going. A little scary.
Oh, a bit of good news. A very nice librarian from Cedar Park contacted me last week. She is starting up a teen book club, and they will be reading Dancing in the Streets of Brooklyn in 2007. I am invited to their meeting!
To follow up on my brother's body-building escapades, I sent him a T-shirt he can wear while he's training for his next competition. It reads, No, I'm Not on Steroids, but Thanks for Asking.